We are dedicated to dental treatments that keep our patients’ original teeth, with thorough initial examinations, in-depth explanations, and tooth-friendly treatments.
The goal of Natori Dental treatments is to restore and preserve dental bite alignment, with no strain on surrounding teeth. For over 10 years our dental practice has been guided by Peter E Dawson’s theory of occlusion (ie. contact between teeth), regarded in the field as a masterpiece on the science of occlusion. Our dental bite treatments are also based on Nick Yiannios’ theory of occlusion, which informed Dawson’s dental bite treatments through advanced digital imaging tools.
Impact of unaligned dental bites and teeth
- Stress on the jaw joints, which can cause disorders of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
- Strain on teeth spacing, which can be one of the factors of bad teeth and gum disease
- Causing other deformations of the face and body
- Strain on jaw muscles, which can cause headaches and shoulder discomfort
- Gaps in teeth alignment can make it difficult to pronounce words and speak clearly
Because misaligned teeth can result in other health issues, dental bite treatment important for the health of your entire body.
Dental treatments are continually advancing worldwide. At Natori Dental Office, we are passionate about utilizing the latest in dental techniques and technologies, right here in Utsunomiya. At our practice, the Dental Director himself implements these advanced dental treatments.
Each patient has unique dental conditions, lifestyle, and treatment requests, such as “the shortest possible treatment”, “making teeth as beautiful as possible, regardless of treatment time”, or “the cheapest treatment possible”. We tailor our treatments to be the most appropriate for each patient, with a dental hygienist assigned to each patient to custom-design treatment plans. Patients are welcome to get second opinions from other dentists after receiving our treatment plan consultation.
Using microscopes for dental treatments makes it possible to inspect affected areas that are difficult to see, or not able to be seen, by the naked eye. This includes the early stages of problem teeth, the inside of pulp canals, paradentium, and the surfaces of teeth. Because of their precision, microscopes enable treatment areas to be limited to a minimum, meaning shorter recovery periods and cost savings. Microscopic precision also increases the possibility for patients to sustain their original teeth, reducing the risk of tooth extraction and implants.
- 肉眼では見ることができないような小さな患部も大きく見えるので、正しい状態を捉えることができます。 それによって、経験や勘に頼った治療ではなくより安全性の高い治療をご提供できます。 また、これまで難しいとされていた症例にも治療の可能性が広がりました。
- 治療部分を最小限に抑えることができるため、健康な歯を大きく削ることも無く患者さんの歯とからだに優しい治療に繋がります。 また、小さなトラブルも見つけられることですぐに対応でき、病気の再発防止につながるため、結果として治療回数や治療費などの患者さんの負担軽減につながります。
- これまで、肉眼で口腔内を細部にわたり確認するのは歯科医の身体的な負担となっていましたが、マイクロスコープにより無理なく患部を確認できるようになりました。歯科医師がベストな状態で治療を行うことで治療結果の向上につながります。
The risk of bad teeth and gum disease can be reduced by simple personal dental hygiene in combination with routine professional dental checkups. Because dental health impacts the overall health of our bodies and brains, in particular, cardiac disease, prevention of dental disorders is key to reducing associated mental and economic burdens.
> For more details see Preventive DentistryComprehensive patient data is gathered through modern imaging technologies like CT-scans and X-rays, not just for the dentist or dental hygienist to analyze, but also to communicate with patients via easy-to-understand digital images and videos.
We want all our patients to feel comfortable and confident about the treatments they will be receiving.